Thursday, October 10, 2019

Search plan cache for index

Quite often I want to see where specific index is used. I started by using script from Jonathan Kehayias. Sadly his script took around 10 minutes on plan cache of 15 GB size. Also it produced many duplicate entries. So I tweaked his script to my needs. My version groups results by plan hash. This helps, if you have unparametrized queries. I also switched to exist() when searching xml. Finally I use both dm_exec_query_plan and dm_exec_text_query_plan. For some reason, during my testing, it turned out quicker than with only one of them. dm_exec_text_query_plan lets you limit execution plan only to specific query using index of your interest, in case a batch or stored procedure has more than one statement. That way you don't need to analyze the whole thing to find the relevant part.

Here's the code:

DECLARE @IndexName AS NVARCHAR(128) = N'YourIndexName';

--Handle the case where the left or right was quoted manually but not the opposite side 
IF LEFT(@IndexName, 1) <> '[' SET @IndexName = '[' + @IndexName;
IF RIGHT(@IndexName, 1) <> ']' SET @IndexName = @IndexName + ']';

, cte AS
	(SELECT plan_handle, query_plan_hash, statement_start_offset, statement_end_offset,
		MIN(creation_time) OVER(PARTITION BY qs.query_plan_hash ORDER BY qs.query_plan_hash) creation_time,
		MAX(last_execution_time) OVER(PARTITION BY qs.query_plan_hash ORDER BY qs.query_plan_hash) last_execution_time,
        SUM(total_worker_time) OVER(PARTITION BY qs.query_plan_hash ORDER BY qs.query_plan_hash) total_worker_time,
		SUM(total_logical_reads) OVER(PARTITION BY qs.query_plan_hash ORDER BY qs.query_plan_hash) total_logical_reads,
		SUM(execution_count) OVER(PARTITION BY qs.query_plan_hash ORDER BY qs.query_plan_hash) execution_count,
		ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY qs.query_plan_hash ORDER BY qs.query_plan_hash) row_num
    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
, cte2 AS
	OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cte.plan_handle) AS qp
	WHERE (query_plan.exist('//IndexScan[not(@Lookup)]/Object[@Index=sql:variable("@IndexName")]') = 1 OR query_plan IS NULL) AND  cte.row_num = 1
, cte3 AS
			SUBSTRING(qt.text, (cte2.statement_start_offset / 2) + 1, ((CASE cte2.statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(qt.text) ELSE cte2.statement_end_offset
						END - cte2.statement_start_offset) / 2) + 1), qt.text) AS TSQL,
		TRY_CAST(qp.query_plan AS XML) query_plan, cte2.creation_time, cte2.last_execution_time,
		cte2.total_worker_time, cte2.total_logical_reads, cte2.execution_count
    FROM cte2
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan(cte2.plan_handle, cte2.statement_start_offset, cte2.statement_end_offset) AS qp
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cte2.plan_handle) AS qt)
FROM cte3
WHERE query_plan.exist('//IndexScan[not(@Lookup)]/Object[@Index=sql:variable("@IndexName")]') = 1
ORDER BY cte3.execution_count DESC

I admit it's quite messy, but gets me relatively clean data and runs in 2 minutes. Quite nice improvement over original.

Before using this script three warnings:
  1. Remember that plan cache doesn't necessary hold all execution plans, especially after instance restart
  2. This script won't catch index usage, if plan is not parse-able as XML.
  3. Considering the above be careful when performing index maintenance based on script results.